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How To Shoot An Air Rifle?

Air rifles are easy to fire, and rifles can be fun and rewarding when you do it right. Here are some tips on how to aim and fire an air rifle. Pick a rifle that fits you. Length and weight are important. You should be able to comfortably hold it steady at ninety degrees to your body (parallel to the floor) without having to rest it on anything.

One method of sighting at home is to bore-sight it. For this you will need a break barrel air rifle. If you do not have one then skip this step. Break the barrel just a bit so you can see down the barrel. Look down it and aim at a target.

WARNING: Do not look down from the end of the barrel as it can risk eye injury. once you have picked and aimed at a safe target through the barrel look through the sights and line them up with the same thing while keeping the barrel aimed at the target.

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