Call us  Benchrest UK

3 Middle Bridge Business Park Bristol Road Portishead BS20 6PN


Question and Answers

Question  How do I become a member of the Benchrest UK group ?

Answer   You can find 2 ways to join Benchrest UK. Go to the join buy sell link and click on the red Benchrest UK  logo, download and print the form off and post it to Benchrest UK at the given address. Please enclose your cheque and a recent photo of yourself.

 You can go to the Benchrest UK store and pay via Card. If you do this please send an email to [email protected] or post the form and enclose a recent photo of yourself for your membership card. Membership cards will be sent out in due course.

Question  How much is membership?

Answer   £25 a Year or £25.50 if paying by Card. join now in store

Question  What do I get for my membership?

Answer   When you become a member it entitles you to shoot Benchrest UK Postal competitions  and gives you Discounted entries, when entering shoots run by Benchrest UK. We run these throughout the year and around the country.

Question  If it is a yearly membership when is the renewal due?

Answer  membership runs From the date you join and is an annual membership

Question  How do I pay for membership?

Answer   You can pay by cheque and send to the address on the membership form or you can go to the Benchrest UK store on the webpage and Pay by Card.

Question  Is the renewal fee the same?

Answer  Yes and you can pay the same way. If Renewing please put you membership number on the form.

Question  What classes can be shot in the Postal competitions?

Answer  Air Rifle –  25M/YDS Indoor and Outdoor LR and HR

Rimfire –  25M/YDS Indoor LR and HR

Rimfire –  50M/YDS outdoor LR and HR

Question  What extras might I have to pay for?

Answer  Your entry to the postal competitions is free but we do have a charge of 36p per target to cover the costs of targets used. For example if you shoot one class in the postal it will cost you £3.60 for the year + P&P Per each class shot

Question  Will membership be reduced if I only shoot for half a year

Answer  No, membership is on an annual basis

Question   When shooting the postal competition when and where do i have to send in my scores?

Answer  Scores should be sent in asap or before the second Friday in the proceeding month and sent into the competition secretary.

Question  who checks my scores?

Answer We do not ask you to send in your targets for scoring, targets can be scored by a designated person in your club and scores emailed to the competitions secretary at [email protected] BenchrestUK will randomly ask clubs at some point to send in some scored targets to verify that the scoring is being done correctly.

Question  Are my cards sent to a central place?

Answer  No, targets are scored at your club and kept for the duration of the competition as they may be required to be sent back to to BenchrestUK to verify the scoring, if so an address will be provided.

Question  How are cards scored?

Answer  The cards are scored by your designated scorer with a . 224 plug  which can be purchased from our website in store

Question  How do I raise a concern about the scoring?

Answer  Any concerns over scoring can be emailed to our competition secretary who will advise.

Question  How can I be assured people aren’t cheating?

Answer  BenchrestUK send out all their targets already labelled with the name of the shooter, class and round stuck over the rear side of the target and stamped with our logo which cannot be removed. We do not replace competition targets or labels.

Question  How often are shoots arranged?

Answer Bechrest UK Postal competition runs from March to December.

Benchrest UK run side by side discounted to members shoots throughout the year and around the country incorporating both Rimfire and Air rifle. These are advertised on the Benchrest UK website and our Facebook Page.

Question  Can any member join in at a shoot?

Answer  Yes all shoots are open shoots

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